

06nov10:0013:00Change of bed linem/ international students BETAChange of bed linem/ international students BETA

06nov10:0013:00Change of bed linem/ international students ALFAChange of bed linem/ international students ALFA

07novAll DaySprawdzanie czystości/ Checking cleanliness ALFASprawdzanie czystości/ Checking cleanliness

07nov10:0012:00Change of bed linem/ international students EPSILONChange of bed linem/ international students EPSILON

07nov11:0013:00FeaturedChange of bed linem/ international students GAMMAChange of bed linem/ international students GAMMA

11nov00:0023:00Święto Niepodległości / Independence Day

25novAll DayOpłata za akademik/ Dormitory feeOpłata za akademik/ Dormitory fee


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